Annual ORCA Bursary Awards
On November 1, 2018. the ORCA President presented our annual ORCA bursary awards of $500.00 to three deserving recipients from the Milestones Foster Home program.
The ORCA bursary is granted to high school graduates who have demonstrated a commitment to personal growth and achievement. This year’s recipients, Shemar, Vanessa, and Tristan, clearly reflect the very best of youth in Care.

Tristan (see above photo, with his proud foster mother, Sue), is a history buff, who also learned to pilot an aircraft. He plans to serve in Canada’s military.
Vanessa is currently studying Marketing and Business Administration at George Brown College. After graduation, she plans to apply her entrepreneurial skills to starting her own business.
Shemar is pursuing a career with the police force.

Vanessa and Shemar were unable to receive the bursaries in person because of prior commitments. However; (above photo), Gilmore Samuels from Milestones accepted their awards on their behalf.
ORCA is proud to support the bright futures of these accomplished young people. We would also like to recognize the contributions of their caregivers and the Milestones program in helping our award winners realize their ambitions.